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Location / Edina, MN
Architect / RKD Architects
Builder / Choice Wood Company
Photographer / Jill Greer

This LEED certified home, featured in a weekly television documentary that aired in Minnesota and Iowa, is built with energy efficient materials and healthy home practices, including Quantum Slide & Fold Door Systems. Colorado-based RKD Architects designed five adjacent Slide & Fold Doors spanning 36 feet from kitchen to dining room as a focal point for the home's rear elevation. Another Slide & Fold Door, this time a three panel system, is found in the den.

These top running outswing panels including matching transoms are made of clear vertical grain douglas fir with sapele door sills. The door systems are equipped with Eclipse E3 hardware, clear anodized aluminum head tracks and floor channels, and brushed stainless steel hinges and interior hinge handles. The panels latch with satin nickel face-mounted flush bolts at top and bottom, and offer protection from the elements with bronze weather-stripping.

Interior rectangular sticking and exterior beveled glazing stops comprise the profile detailing on both doors and transoms. Finally, all products were built with fully tempered, triple glazed insulated glass manufactured by Cardinal.

View this project at RKD Architects
View this project at Spearhead